Tag Archives | Subdivision Myxomycotina

Life Cycle of Slime Mold (With Diagram) | Physarum

In this article we will discuss about the life cycle of slime mold with the help of a suitable diagram. The life cycle of an endogenous slime mold such as Physarum starts with the germination of a meiospore under favourable conditions. One to four uninucleate haploid biflagellate swarm cells or myxamoebae are released through a slit or pore; the former [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:34:40+00:00November 28, 2016|Fungi|Comments Off on Life Cycle of Slime Mold (With Diagram) | Physarum

Life Cycle of Physarum (With Diagram) | Fungi

In this article we will discuss about the somatic phase and reproductive phase in the life cycle of physarum with the help of suitable diagrams. Somatic Phase:                           Zygote Formation: On the onset of conditions favourable for growth the spiny thick-walled resting meiospores germinates releasing usually 1 to 4 biflagellate swarm cells or myxamoebae which function as gametes. Copulation between two [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:34:39+00:00November 28, 2016|Fungi|Comments Off on Life Cycle of Physarum (With Diagram) | Fungi
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