Tag Archives | Stems

Modifications of Aerial Stems: 6 Types | Plants

The following points highlight the six main types of modification of aerial stems. The types are: 1. Stem Tendrils 2. Hooks 3. Stem Thorns 4. Phylloclade's 5. Cladodes 6. Thalamus. Type # 1. Stem Tendrils: Tendrils are thread-like sensitive structures which can coil around a support and help the plant in climbing. They may be branched or un-branched. Branched stem [...]

By |2016-12-12T06:52:56+00:00December 12, 2016|Stems|Comments Off on Modifications of Aerial Stems: 6 Types | Plants

Difference between Dicot and Monocot Stem | Botany

The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between dicot and monocot stem. Difference # Dicot Stem: 1. Ground tissue  in dicotyledonous stem is well-differentiated into extra-stelar and intra-stelar regions. Extra-stelar ground tissue is differentiated into three zones:—collenchymatous hypodermis, parenchyma and starch sheath; and intra- stelar ground tissue consists of pericycle—homogeneous or heterogeneous, large medulla and medullary rays. 2. [...]

By |2016-08-30T17:05:54+00:00August 30, 2016|Stems|Comments Off on Difference between Dicot and Monocot Stem | Botany

Underground Modified Stems: 4 Types | Botany

The following points highlight the four main types of underground modified stems. The types are: 1. Rhizome 2. Tuber 3. Corm 4. Bulb. Type # 1. Rhizome: It is a fleshy modified stem which grows horizontally beneath the surface of the soil. It has distinct nodes and internodes and minute scale leaves at the nodes. Lateral buds come out as [...]

By |2016-08-30T17:05:54+00:00August 30, 2016|Underground Modified Stems|Comments Off on Underground Modified Stems: 4 Types | Botany
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