Tag Archives | Species

Species of Bees

The following points highlight the four important species of bees. The species are: 1. Rock Bee 2. Little Bee 3. Indian Honey-Bee 4. European Bee. 1. Rock Bee (Apis Dorsata): This honey-bee is found all over India including upto the height of 12,000m in the hilly regions. It is the largest sized (20 mm) Indian bees and also known as [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:32:40+00:00May 27, 2016|Phylum Arthropoda|Comments Off on Species of Bees

3 Main Species of Cockroach (With Diagram)

The following points highlight the three main species of cockroach. The species are: 1. Periplaneta Australasiae 2. Blatta Orientalis 3. Blatella Germanica. Cockroach: Species # 1. Periplaneta Australasiae: Periplaneta australasiae (Fig. 73.40 B) is commonly known as Australian cockroach. It was originally a native of Africa but, like other cockroaches, it has now spread to the whole of the world. [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:47:19+00:00May 2, 2016|Cockroach|Comments Off on 3 Main Species of Cockroach (With Diagram)

3 Important Species of Entamoeba

The following points highlight the three important species of Entamoeba. The species are: 1. Entamoeba Coli 2. Entamoeba Gingivalis 3. Entamoeba Hartmanni. Species # 1. Enatmoeba Coli: Entamoeba coli is the commonest species of Entamoeba found in the colon and has been stated to occur probably in 50% of human population. This amoeba lives in the lumen of the colon [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:38:47+00:00May 2, 2016|Amoeba|Comments Off on 3 Important Species of Entamoeba
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