Tag Archives | Seeds

Top 4 Techniques for Detection of Seed Borne Viruses | Plant Diseases

The following points highlight the top four techniques for detection of seed borne viruses. The techniques are: 1. Dry Examination 2. Biological Methods 3. Biochemical Method 4. Serological Methods. Technique # 1. Dry Examination: A close inspection of the see may give an indication of the presence of virus in certain seed. Phatak (1974) found that in 13 genera no [...]

By |2016-07-28T09:54:17+00:00July 28, 2016|Plant Diseases|Comments Off on Top 4 Techniques for Detection of Seed Borne Viruses | Plant Diseases

Germination of Dormant and Non-Dormant Seeds

The following points highlight the top two exercises to study germination of dormant and non-dormant seeds. Exercise 1: To show the normal process of germina­tion of seeds of castor and pea. Requirements: Seeds of castor and pea, pots, gar­den soil, water. Normal Germination Process: Put some castor and pea seeds in the properly moist­ened garden soil filled in the pots [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:30:19+00:00May 27, 2016|Germination|Comments Off on Germination of Dormant and Non-Dormant Seeds
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