Tag Archives | Pteridophyta

Classification of Ophioglosside | Plants

In this article we will discuss about the classification of ophioglosside:- 1. Genus Ophioglossum of Ophioglosside 2. Sporophyte of Ophioglosside 3. Gametophytic Generation 4. New Sporophyte 5. Genus Botrychium 6. Genus Helminthostachys. Genus Ophioglossum of Ophioglosside: Ophioglossum (sometimes called 'Adder's Tongue') is taken up first as it is the commonest, although it is possibly more advanced (mainly by reduction) than [...]

By |2016-10-17T07:29:56+00:00October 17, 2016|Vascular Plants|Comments Off on Classification of Ophioglosside | Plants

Notes on Protoleptosporangidae | Plants

The Protoleptosporangidae or the Osmundidae comprising of the single order Osmundales with the single family Osmundaceae is taken out of the Leptosporangiates as proposed by Hirmer (1927) as it is not truly leptosporangiate. The Osmundales is a very ancient order represented by Thamnopteris and Zalesskya from late Permian and by Osmundites itself from Jurassic onwards. The climax of the group [...]

By |2016-10-17T07:29:56+00:00October 17, 2016|Vascular Plants|Comments Off on Notes on Protoleptosporangidae | Plants

Notes on Noeggerathiopsida | Plants

The below mentioned article provides a note on the noeggerathiopsida. The class Noeggerathiopsida or the Noeggerathiales form a group of plants extremely peculiar and not yet fully known. Their affinities are rather uncertain. They have been placed within the Sphenopsida, within the Filicopsida and also between the Lycopsida and the Sphe­nopsida. But, the more general opinion is to consider them [...]

By |2016-10-17T07:29:54+00:00October 17, 2016|Vascular Plants|Comments Off on Notes on Noeggerathiopsida | Plants
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