Tag Archives | Pteridophyta

Pteris: Structure and Reproduction

In this article we will discuss about the structure and reproduction in Pteris. Structure of Pteris: Sporophyte: The main sporophytic plant body is differen­tiated into root, rhizomatous stem and leaves (Fig. 7.102A). 1. Root: The primary root is ephemeral, and is replaced by a large number of adventitious roots developed all over the surface of the rhizome. The roots are [...]

By |2016-08-24T10:16:51+00:00August 24, 2016|Pteridophyta|Comments Off on Pteris: Structure and Reproduction

Marsilea: Habit, Structure and Reproduction

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Habit of Marsilea 2. Structure of Marsilea 3. Reproduction. Habit of Marsilea: The plants are herbaceous with rhizomatous stem, creeping on or just below the soil surface. The species of Marsilea are generally aqua­tic or amphibious in nature with their roots embedded in mud or damp soil. The aquatic species — M. [...]

By |2016-08-24T10:16:51+00:00August 24, 2016|Pteridophyta|Comments Off on Marsilea: Habit, Structure and Reproduction

Ophioglossum: Structure and Reproduction

In this article we will discuss about the structure and reproduction in Ophioglossum. Structure of Ophioglossum: Sporophyte: The sporophyte is differentiated into a sub­terranean rhizome with roots and spirally arranged leaves bearing sporangiferous spike (Fig. 7.92A). Stem: The stem is represented by a short, erect, subterranean rhizome. But in epiphytic species, it is horizontal and dorsiventral structure. The upper surface [...]

By |2016-08-24T10:16:51+00:00August 24, 2016|Pteridophyta|Comments Off on Ophioglossum: Structure and Reproduction
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