Tag Archives | Pollination

Pollination: Types and Agents | Biology

In this article we will discuss about the types and agents of pollination. Types of Pollination: The transfer of pollen grains from the opened anther of the stamen to the receptive stigma of the carpel/pistil is called pollination. Each pollen grain grows and provides two male gametes for fertilisation of an ovule. Depending upon the source of pollen grain, pollination [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:52:43+00:00October 20, 2016|Pollination|Comments Off on Pollination: Types and Agents | Biology

Cross-Pollination in Flowers: Meaning and Adaptation | Botany

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Cross-Pollination 2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Cross-Pollination 3. Adaptations. Meaning of Cross-Pollination: If pollen grains are carried to the stigma of a flower of the same species growing on a different plant, it is cross-pollination. All unisexual flowers are cross-pollinated and even the bisexual flowers which, in fact, form the [...]

By |2016-08-30T17:05:52+00:00August 30, 2016|Cross-Pollination|Comments Off on Cross-Pollination in Flowers: Meaning and Adaptation | Botany

Practical Exercise to Observe Pollination (With Diagram)

The below mentioned article provides a practical exercise to observe pollination in flowers. What is Pollination? Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to stigma is known as pollination. It is found in gymnosperms and angiosperms. Basically, the pollination is of two types, self-pollination and cross pollination. Self-Pollination: When the transfer of pollen grains takes place from the anthers to [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:30:20+00:00May 27, 2016|Flower|Comments Off on Practical Exercise to Observe Pollination (With Diagram)
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