Tag Archives | Pollen Grains

Quick Notes on Aerobiology | Palynology

The term aerobiology came into use during 1930 for the studies of airspora like airborne fungal spores, pollen grains and other microorganisms. Jacobs (1951) elaborated the term to include dispersion of insect populations, fungal spores, pollen grains, bacteria and viruses. In fact, all forms of life belonging to both plants and animals which become airborne are transported partly or wholly [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:16:49+00:00November 28, 2016|Palynology|Comments Off on Quick Notes on Aerobiology | Palynology

Samplers Conventionally used for Trapping Pollen Grains

The following points highlight four sampler that are conventionally used for trapping pollen grains. The samplers are: 1. Rotorod Sampler 2. Burkard Personal Volumetric Sampler 3. Burkard Seven Day Volumetric Sampler 4. Andersen Two Stage Sampler. 1. Rotorod Sampler: The rotorod sampler (Fig.10.10) was originally devised by Perkins (1957) and has been somewhat modified by Harrington (1959). The device relies [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:16:49+00:00November 28, 2016|Palynology|Comments Off on Samplers Conventionally used for Trapping Pollen Grains

Deposits Containing Fossil Pollen and Spores

The deposit that contains pollen grains and spores suitable for identification and analysis include peats, lake sediments, soil and mor humus. Peats: Peats are the early stage of coalification which are formed due to accumulations of organic detritus largely of plant origin. Peats are developed into a stratified sequence due to the successive deposition of plant parts containing pollen and [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:16:49+00:00November 28, 2016|Palynology|Comments Off on Deposits Containing Fossil Pollen and Spores
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