Tag Archives | Plant Responses

Main Applications of Phytoremediation | Environment

This article throws light upon the three main areas of application of phytoremediation. The areas of application are: 1. Phyto-Extraction of Metals 2. Phytovolatilisation of Metals 3. Phytodegradation of Metals. Application # 1. Phyto-Extraction of Metals: A review of the phytoremediation literature reĀ­veals that, at present, there are two basic strategies of phyto-extraction being developed: chelate-assisted phyto-extraction, which we term [...]

By |2016-12-13T19:11:38+00:00December 13, 2016|Phytoremediation|Comments Off on Main Applications of Phytoremediation | Environment

Aquatic Macrophyte Treatment System (AMATS)

This article provides notes on aquatic macrophyte treatment system (AMATS). Regardless of the type of aquatic macrophyte based treatment system, whether a natural wetland or an artificially constructed wetland system with a monoculture or poly-culture using either floating or emergent plants, the processes thought to opĀ­erate are essentially the same. In addition to the direct uptake and accumulation of contaminants, [...]

By |2016-12-13T19:11:38+00:00December 13, 2016|Ecology|Comments Off on Aquatic Macrophyte Treatment System (AMATS)
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