Tag Archives | Plant Physiology

Factors Affecting Transpiration: 10 Factors

The following points highlight the ten important factors that affecting transpiration. The factors are: 1. Relative Humidity 2. Atmospheric Temperature 3. Light 4. Air Movements 5. Atmospheric Pressure 6. Availability of Water 7. Leaf Area 8. Leaf Structure 9. Root/Shoot Ratio 10. Mucilage and Solutes. Factor # 1. Relative Humidity: Relative humidity is the percentage of water vapour present in [...]

By |2016-12-12T06:52:35+00:00December 12, 2016|Transpiration|Comments Off on Factors Affecting Transpiration: 10 Factors

Imbibition | Plant Physiology

The below mentioned article provides study notes on Imbibition. The absorption of water by the solid particles of an adsorbent causing it to enormously increase in volume without forming a solution is called imbibition. Solid substances or adsorbents which take part in imbibition are called imbibants, e.g., seeds, dry wood. The liquid (usually water) which is imbibed is known as [...]

By |2016-12-12T06:52:34+00:00December 12, 2016|Imbibition|Comments Off on Imbibition | Plant Physiology

Diffusion: Meaning, Factors and Importance | Plant Physiology

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Diffusion 2. Diffusion Pressure 3. Factors 4. Importance. Meaning of Diffusion: The tendency on the part of molecules, atoms, ions, etc., of gases, liquids and solids to get evenly distributed throughout the available space on account of their ranĀ­dom kinetic motion is called diffusion. Random kinetic motion of particles is [...]

By |2016-12-12T06:52:34+00:00December 12, 2016|Diffusion|Comments Off on Diffusion: Meaning, Factors and Importance | Plant Physiology
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