Tag Archives | Plant Classification

Artificial System of Plant Classification | Taxonomy | Botany

List of four eminent botanists who contributed to artificial system of plant classification:- 1. Theophrastus (370-287 BC) 2. John Ray (1627-1705) 3. Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778) 4. George Bentham (1800-1884) and Joseph Dalton Hooker's (1817-1911) System. Botanist # 1. Theophrastus (370-287 BC): He was a Greek naturalist and pupil of Plato and Aristotle. Based on the habit, he classified the plants [...]

By |2017-04-11T09:15:48+00:00April 11, 2017|Plant Classification|Comments Off on Artificial System of Plant Classification | Taxonomy | Botany

Phylogenetic System of Plant Classification | Botany

List of six eminent botanists who contributed to the phylogenetic system of plant classification:- 1. Adolf Engler (1844-1930) 2. John Hutchinson (1884-1972) 3. Armen Takhtajan (1911) 4. Arthur Cronquist (1919-1992) 5. Rolf Dahlgren (1932-1987) 6. Robert F. Thorne (1920). Botanist # 1. Adolf Engler (1844-1930): The best known and widely accepted phylo­genetic system is that by Adolf Engler, Professor of [...]

By |2017-04-11T09:15:48+00:00April 11, 2017|Plant Classification|Comments Off on Phylogenetic System of Plant Classification | Botany

Swingle’s Principles for Plant Classification

The following points highlight the thirty-six important Swingle’s principles for plant classification. Swingle’s Principle # 1. Plant relationships are up and down genetic lines and these must constitute the framework of phylogenetic taxonomy. Swingle’s Principle # 2. Some evolutionary processes are progressive while others are regressive. Swingle’s Principle # 3. Evolution does not necessarily involve all organs of the plant [...]

By |2016-08-30T17:16:31+00:00August 30, 2016|Plant Taxonomy|Comments Off on Swingle’s Principles for Plant Classification
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