Tag Archives | Plant Breeding

Hybridization in Plants: Purpose and Technique | Breeding

In this article we will discuss about the purposes and techniques of hybridization in plants.  Purpose of Hybridization: The objectives of hybridization can be categorized under 3 major criteria: 1. Development of productive varieties: One of the objectives is to create new variability which is further used for development of improved varieties with respect to existing varieties. This is achieved [...]

By |2016-11-02T05:49:43+00:00November 2, 2016|Hybridization|Comments Off on Hybridization in Plants: Purpose and Technique | Breeding

Top 4 Methods Used in Cross-Pollinated Crops | Breeding

The following points highlight the top four methods used in cross-pollinated crops. The methods are: 1. Production of Single Cross Hybrids 2. Production of Double Cross Hybrids 3. Production of Top-Cross Seed 4. Production of Synthetic Cross.  Method # 1. Production of Single Cross Hybrids: Crossing between two inbreds or varie­ties is called single cross. Such crosses express maximum amount [...]

By |2016-11-02T05:49:43+00:00November 2, 2016|Plant Breeding|Comments Off on Top 4 Methods Used in Cross-Pollinated Crops | Breeding

Top 3 Methods Used in Self Pollinated Crops | Breeding Methods

For selection of a new variety from a segregating population after hybridization the methods followed in self-pollinated crop are of three types: 1. Pedigree method, 2. Bulk method, 3. Back cross method. Method # 1. Pedigree Method: Individual plant progeny is selected from F2 and subsequent generations, and their progenies are tested. During this process the record of parents as [...]

By |2016-11-02T05:49:42+00:00November 2, 2016|Plant Breeding|Comments Off on Top 3 Methods Used in Self Pollinated Crops | Breeding Methods
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