Tag Archives | Plant Breeding

Introduction and Selection | Methods | Plant Breeding | Botany

Everything you need to know about the introduction and selection methods of plant breeding ! Q. 1. What are breeding methods? Ans. Various procedures (selections, hybridization, mutation, etc.) which are used for genetic improvement of crop plants are known as breeding methods. Q. 2. How will you classify plant breeding methods? Ans. Plant breeding methods are classified on the basis [...]

By |2017-07-01T10:32:06+00:00July 1, 2017|Plant Breeding|Comments Off on Introduction and Selection | Methods | Plant Breeding | Botany

Doubled Haploids in Crop Improvement | Crops | Plant Breeding

Everything you need to know about doubled haploids in crop improvement ! Q. 1. What do you mean by doubled haploids? Ans. Doubled haploids refer to the diploid lines which are obtained by doubling the chromosome number of a haploid line by colchicine treatment. Such condition is referred to as doubled haploids. Q. 2. What are main features doubled haploids? [...]

By |2017-07-01T10:32:06+00:00July 1, 2017|Doubled Haploids|Comments Off on Doubled Haploids in Crop Improvement | Crops | Plant Breeding

Bioinformatics in Plant Breeding and Genetics | Biology

Everything you need to know about bioinformatics in plant breeding and genetics ! Q. 1. Define Bioinformatics. Ans. The computer aided study of biology particularly genetics and molecular biology is called bioinformatics. Now the science of bioinformatics is gaining increasing importance in life science specially in the field of molecular biology and plant genetic resources. Q. 2. Explain main points [...]

By |2017-07-01T10:32:06+00:00July 1, 2017|Bioinformatics|Comments Off on Bioinformatics in Plant Breeding and Genetics | Biology
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