Tag Archives | Phylum Cnidaria

Phylum Cnidaria: Characters and Classification | Animal Kingdom

In this article we will discuss about the General Characters and Classification of Phylum Cnidaria. General Characteristics of Phylum Cnidaria: Some of the important General Characters of Phylum Cnidaria are listed below: 1. Habitat: All are aquatic and are mostly marine, except a few like Hydra, are fresh water. 2. Body Form: Body form varies considerably. Many colonial cnidarians like [...]

By |2016-12-12T06:53:03+00:00December 12, 2016|Phylum Cnidaria|Comments Off on Phylum Cnidaria: Characters and Classification | Animal Kingdom

Phylum Cnidaria: Meaning and Classification | Zoology

In this article we will discuss about the meaning and classification of phylum cnidaria. Meaning of Phylum Cnidaria: The phylum Cnidaria (coel=hollow; enter on—gut) includes the simplest of the cellular animals or xnetazoa. The coelenterate body is a two-layered sac, opening to the exterior by a single aperture called mouth. The mouth is surrounded by a number of tentacles and [...]

By |2016-08-30T17:05:31+00:00August 30, 2016|Phylum Cnidaria|Comments Off on Phylum Cnidaria: Meaning and Classification | Zoology

Metagenesis and Polymorphism | Phylum Cnidaria

The relationship between metagenesis and polymorphism has raised the question—is metagenesis an outcome of polymorphism or has it lead to the emergence of polymor­phism? A discussion on the existence of different grades of metagenesis in cnidarians will help us to find a logical answer. Gradations of Metagenesis: Four differ­ent forms of life-histories are seen in the cnidarians which exhibit a [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:35:29+00:00May 27, 2016|Phylum Cnidaria|Comments Off on Metagenesis and Polymorphism | Phylum Cnidaria
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