Tag Archives | Phylum Chordata

Herdamania: Structure, Locomotion and Systematic Position

In this article we will discuss about Herdamania:- 1. Habit and Habitat of Herdamania 2. External Structures of Herdamania 3. Body Wall 4. Coelom and Atrium 5. Locomotion 6. Digestive and Respiratory Systems 7. Circulatory System 8. Excretory System 9. Nervous System 10. Reproductive System 11. Affinities and Systematic Position. Contents: Habit and Habitat of Herdamania External Structures of Herdamania [...]

By |2016-07-22T08:09:53+00:00July 22, 2016|Phylum Chordata|Comments Off on Herdamania: Structure, Locomotion and Systematic Position

Ciliary Mode between Branchiostoma, Ascidia and Balanoglossus

Let us learn about the comparison of ciliary mode between branchiostoma, ascidia and balanoglossus. Comparison # Balanoglossus: 1. Internal food-collection, i.e., food is collected inside the body. 2. Microphages. 3. Wheel organ produces a flow of water-current which is drawn into the mouth. 4. Velum with velar tenta­cles control the entry of water-current into mouth. 5. The feeding current follows [...]

By |2016-07-22T08:09:53+00:00July 22, 2016|Phylum Chordata|Comments Off on Ciliary Mode between Branchiostoma, Ascidia and Balanoglossus

Ascidia: Structure, Locomotion and Classification

In this article we will discuss about Ascidia:- 1. Habit and Habitat of Ascidia 2. External Structures of Ascidia 3. Body Wall 4. Coelom 5. Locomotion 6. Digestive and Respiratory Systems 7. Circulatory System 8. Excretory System 9. Nervous System 10. Reproductive System 11. Development and Life-History 12. Zoological Importance of Tadpole Larva 13. Classification. Contents: Habit and Habitat of [...]

By |2016-07-22T08:09:53+00:00July 22, 2016|Phylum Chordata|Comments Off on Ascidia: Structure, Locomotion and Classification
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