Tag Archives | Peptides

Peptides: Classification, Preparation and Its Study

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Classification of Peptides 2. Nomenclature of Peptides 3. Preparation and Purification 4. Study. Classification of Peptides: As already mentioned oligopeptides and polypeptides are distinguished depending on whether the peptide is formed by the union of less than 4 or at least 4 amino acid. Natural peptides consist of different amino acids; but [...]

By |2017-03-04T09:34:57+00:00March 4, 2017|Peptides|Comments Off on Peptides: Classification, Preparation and Its Study

Peptides: Definition, Structure and Synthesis

Learn about::-  1. Definition of Peptides 2. Primary Structure of Peptides 3. Determination of the Primary Structure 4. Synthesis 5. Physiologically Active. Contents: Definition of Peptides Primary Structure of Peptides Determination of the Primary Structure of Peptides Synthesis of Peptides Physiologically Active Peptides 1. Definition of Peptides: A peptide consists of two or more amino acids linked by a peptide [...]

By |2016-07-25T07:45:16+00:00July 25, 2016|Amino Acids|Comments Off on Peptides: Definition, Structure and Synthesis
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