Tag Archives | Paragraph

Paragraph on Royal Botanical Gardens

The famous Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew started as the private garden of Sir Henry Capel, an enthusiastic horticulturist who died in 1696. It was in about 1759 that the Dowager Princess of Wales, the Princess Augusta Saxe - Gotha, started to develop here a royal botanic garden. The early lay-out and the development of the garden was controlled for [...]

By |2016-08-30T17:16:31+00:00August 30, 2016|Botanical Gardens|Comments Off on Paragraph on Royal Botanical Gardens

Paragraph on Toad | Zoology

The below mentioned article provides a paragraph on toad. The young toad is a terrestrial crea­ture. It feeds voraciously and continues to grow. Since toads des­troy insects, they are beneficial to man. The animal is habitually shy but when attacked by a snake it puffs up and assumes an aggressive posture. This curious habit is a means for its protection, [...]

By |2016-08-30T17:05:40+00:00August 30, 2016|Toad|Comments Off on Paragraph on Toad | Zoology
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