Tag Archives | Palynology

Techniques for the Extraction of Pollen Grains

The following points highlight the two laboratory techniques for the extraction of pollen grains. The techniques are: 1. Pollen/Spore Extraction Pro­cedure 2. Absolute Pollen Counts. 1. Pollen/Spore Extraction Pro­cedure: It is not possible to use the entire core systematically for pollen extraction, hence samples are taken at selected depth intervals along the core. The selection of depth intervals is entirely [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:16:49+00:00November 28, 2016|Palynology|Comments Off on Techniques for the Extraction of Pollen Grains

Quaternary Pollen Records in Different Places of India

In this article we will discuss about the quaternary pollen records in different places of India. It was Huntington (1906) who initiated the pollen analysis in India from the sediments of Pangong Lake in Ladakh. Later, Wodehouse (1935), De Terra & Paterson (1939) worked out palynologically Indian Quaternary sediments. The investigations on pollen analysis to establish the Quaternary vegetation history, [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:16:49+00:00November 28, 2016|Palynology|Comments Off on Quaternary Pollen Records in Different Places of India

4 Main Methods of Air Sampling | Palynology

The following points highlight the four main methods of air sampling. The methods are: 1. Gravity Sedimentation Methods 2. Inertial Methods 3. Filtration 4. Precipitation. 1. Gravity Sedimentation Methods: a. Sedimentation from still air: Alvarez and Castro (1952) constructed a simple box for the study of airborne fungi, has two hinged slides and a covered tray at the bottom for [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:16:49+00:00November 28, 2016|Palynology|Comments Off on 4 Main Methods of Air Sampling | Palynology
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