Tag Archives | Palynology

4 Main Types of Diagnoses of Allergy

The following points highlight the four main types of diagnoses of allergy. The types are: 1. Case History 2. Skin Testing 3. Provocation Test 4. Diagnosis of Allergy based on Total and Specific IgE Deter­minations. Type # 1. Case History: The case history holds a central position in allergy investigations. In order to get a comprehensive idea about the source [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:16:49+00:00November 28, 2016|Palynology|Comments Off on 4 Main Types of Diagnoses of Allergy

Samplers Conventionally used for Trapping Pollen Grains

The following points highlight four sampler that are conventionally used for trapping pollen grains. The samplers are: 1. Rotorod Sampler 2. Burkard Personal Volumetric Sampler 3. Burkard Seven Day Volumetric Sampler 4. Andersen Two Stage Sampler. 1. Rotorod Sampler: The rotorod sampler (Fig.10.10) was originally devised by Perkins (1957) and has been somewhat modified by Harrington (1959). The device relies [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:16:49+00:00November 28, 2016|Palynology|Comments Off on Samplers Conventionally used for Trapping Pollen Grains

How does Forensic Palynology Works?

In this article we will discuss about the pollen and spore production and dispersion, pollen sinking speed, pollen degradation, and pollen recycling are important consideration in the study of forensic palynology. 1. Pollen and spore production and dispersion: If one know what the expected production and dispersal patterns of spores and pollen along with their flowering calendar of the plants [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:16:49+00:00November 28, 2016|Forensic Palynology|Comments Off on How does Forensic Palynology Works?
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