Tag Archives | Palaeobotany

Top 10 Methods of Fossilization

The following points highlight the top ten methods of fossilization. The methods are: 1. Petrifaction or Premineralization 2. Mold and Cast 3. Carbonization 4. Trace Fossils 5. Coprolites 6. Preservation 7. Compression 8. Natural Molds 9. Mummified Plants 10. Infiltration or Replacement. Method # 1. Petrifaction or Premineralization: Rock like minerals seep in slowly and replace the original organic tissue.Silica [...]

By |2016-09-16T07:29:46+00:00September 16, 2016|Palaeobotany|Comments Off on Top 10 Methods of Fossilization

Notes on Geological Time Scale | Palaeobotany

Geological time scale is a record of earth's history based on the organisms that lived at different times. The geological time scale is a system of chronological measurement that related stratigraphy (the study of rock strata, especially the distribution, deposition and age of sedimentary rocks) to time, and is used by the geologists, palentologists and other earth scientists to describe [...]

By |2016-09-16T07:29:43+00:00September 16, 2016|Palaeobotany|Comments Off on Notes on Geological Time Scale | Palaeobotany

List of the Fossil Genera Plants (With Diagram)

Here is a list of twenty-seven fossil genera plants:- 1. Rhynia 2. Lepidodendron 3. Lepidostrobus 4. Lepidocarpon 5. Calamites 6. Calamostachys 7. Palaeostachya 8. Sphenophyllum 9. Lyginopteris 10. Kaloxtlon 11. Lagenostoma 12. Crossotheca 13. Heterangium 14. Mudullosa 15. Glossopteris 16. Vertebraria 17. Gangamopteris 18. Caytonia 19. Nipanioxylon 20. Pentoxylon 21. Sahnia 22. Carnoconite and a few others. 1. Rhynia (Fig [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:34:21+00:00May 16, 2016|Plants|Comments Off on List of the Fossil Genera Plants (With Diagram)
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