Tag Archives | Organs

7 Main Organs of Flowering Plants (With Features)

The following points highlight the seven main organs of flowering plants. The organs are: 1. Roots 2. Stems 3. Leaves 4. Inflorescence 5. Flowers 6. Fruits 7. Seeds. Organ # 1. Roots: Roots differ from stems in the absence of nodes and leaves. Position: Primary - an extension of the radicle of the embryo. Secondary - branches of other roots. [...]

By |2016-08-30T17:16:30+00:00August 30, 2016|Flowering Plants|Comments Off on 7 Main Organs of Flowering Plants (With Features)

Difference between Clasper and Hemipenis | Organs

The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between clasper and hemipenis. Difference # Clasper (Myxiptergium): 1. Claspers are the male copulatory organs of shark and rays. 2. The organs develop from the pelvic fins. 3. They are supported by fin skeleton. 4. The distal end is plate-like and not rounded. 5. They bear grooves to convey sperm into [...]

By |2016-07-22T08:09:27+00:00July 22, 2016|Reptiles|Comments Off on Difference between Clasper and Hemipenis | Organs

Histological Peculiarities of Various Organs

In this article we will discuss about the histological peculiarities of various organs. The various organs whose histological peculiarities has been discussed are: 1. Tongue 2. Spleen 3. Pancreas 4. Lung 5. Kidney 6. Adrenal 7. Testis 8. Ovary 9. Artery 10. Vein 11. Thyroid 12. Liver 13. Gastro-Intestinal Tract 14. Stomach 15. Small Intestine. 1. Tongue: Epithelium is of [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:36:44+00:00May 27, 2016|Animals|Comments Off on Histological Peculiarities of Various Organs
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