Tag Archives | Organisms

Theory of Recapitulation | Development | Organisms | Biology

Recapitulation is a bold and influential idea that is particularly associated with Ernst Haeckel though many other biologists also supported it in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. According to the theory of recapitulation, the stages of an organism’s development correspond to the species’ phylogenetic history- in a phrase, “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.” Each stage in development corresponds to (that is, [...]

By |2017-12-11T05:39:47+00:00December 11, 2017|Development|Comments Off on Theory of Recapitulation | Development | Organisms | Biology

How to Kill Infection Causing Organisms ? (7 Physical Agents) | Microbiology

Here is a list of seven effective physical agents that can kill infection causing organisms:- 1. Electricity 2. Sonic and Supersonic Waves 3. Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Rays 4. Electrons 5. Cathode Rays 6. X Rays 7. Distilled Water. Physical Agent # 1. Electricity: Beattie and Lewis (1920) employed a current of about 4000 volts and 2 amp. for 4 [...]

By |2017-11-13T09:53:15+00:00November 13, 2017|Physical Agents|Comments Off on How to Kill Infection Causing Organisms ? (7 Physical Agents) | Microbiology

4 Main Methods of Sterilization | Organisms | Microbiology

Among the various methods followed for controlling microbial activity, the best by far is sterilization as it eliminates all the microbes. Sterilization is achieved by the following methods: 1. Physical Methods 2. Radiation Methods 3. Ultrasonic Methods 4. Chemical Methods. 1. Physical Methods: Physical methods of sterilization include killing of microbes by applying moist heat as in steaming or dry [...]

By |2017-11-13T09:53:15+00:00November 13, 2017|Sterilization Methods|Comments Off on 4 Main Methods of Sterilization | Organisms | Microbiology
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