Tag Archives | Organism

Mendel’s Laws for Inheritance of Traits in an Organism

Mendel's Laws for Inheritance of Traits in an Organism! Gregor Johann Mendel (1822-84) was an Austrian monk and botanist. He is regarded as the father of genetics. He applied his knowledge of science and mathematics to his experiments on pea plants and established the principles of genetics. Though the results of his experiments were published in 1866, they remained virtually [...]

By |2015-08-27T17:15:56+00:00January 24, 2014|Essay|Comments Off on Mendel’s Laws for Inheritance of Traits in an Organism

Essay on Speciation of Organisms | Biology

Essay on Speciation of Organism! Individuals of a species are similar and they can breed among themselves. At the same time, there are some small, but significant, differences (variations) between the individuals of a species. Heritable variations are transmitted to the offspring. These variations are important as they produce changes in the characters of that particular species. This leads to [...]

By |2015-08-27T17:16:23+00:00January 24, 2014|Essay|Comments Off on Essay on Speciation of Organisms | Biology
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