Tag Archives | Organic Constituent

Functions of Amino Acids | Organic Constituent

The following points highlight the fourteen important functions of amino acids. (1) They are building blocks of proteins and enzymes. (2) Storage of nitrogen occurs in the form of amides. (3) Amino acid glycine provides nitrogen and carbon atoms for the synthesis of protoporphyrin and heme (= haem). (4) Tryptophan produces plant horĀ­mone indole 3-acetic acid or IAA and vitamin [...]

By |2016-09-06T07:53:16+00:00September 6, 2016|Amino Acids|Comments Off on Functions of Amino Acids | Organic Constituent

Functions of Protein | Organic Constituent

The following points highlight the twenty-one important functions of protein. Some of the functions are: 1. Protective Structures 2. Defence Proteins 3. Toxins 4. Structural Proteins 5. Compatibility Proteins 6. Contractile Proteins 7. Microtubules 8. P-Protein 9. Enzymes 10. Transport Proteins 11. Storage Proteins 12. Receptor Proteins 13. Protein Buffers 14. Hormones 15. Repressors 16. Sweet Proteins and Others. Function [...]

By |2016-08-17T17:19:11+00:00August 17, 2016|Proteins|Comments Off on Functions of Protein | Organic Constituent

Important Functions of Lipids (17 Functions)

The following points highlight the seventeen important functions of lipids. (1) Fats serve as food reserve in both plants and animals. Hibernating animals store extra fat prior to onset of winter. Migratory birds also do so before migration. (2) They function as concentrated food because as compared to carbohydrates they yield more than twice as much energy per unit weight [...]

By |2016-08-17T17:19:10+00:00August 17, 2016|Lipids|Comments Off on Important Functions of Lipids (17 Functions)
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