Tag Archives | Nutrition

Syndromes of Coronary Heart Disease | Nutritional Diseases

The following points highlight the three major syndromes of coronary heart disease. The syndromes are: 1. Myocardial Infarction 2. Angina Pectoris (Pain in the Chest) 3. Sudden Death. Coronary Heart Disease: Syndrome # 1. Myocardial Infarction: a. This is necrosis or destruction of part of the heart muscle due to failure of the blood supply (ischaemia). b. It may lead [...]

By |2016-08-06T14:12:59+00:00August 6, 2016|Coronary Heart Disease|Comments Off on Syndromes of Coronary Heart Disease | Nutritional Diseases

Planning a Balanced Diet: Principles and Aspects

The below mentioned article provides a short note on Planning a Balanced Diet. Principles in Planning a Balanced Diet: In planning a balanced diet it is to be aimed that the diet must contain various groups of foodstuffs such as energy yielding foods, body building foods and protective foods in the correct proportions. The constituents of balanced diet differ according [...]

By |2016-08-06T14:12:59+00:00August 6, 2016|Balanced Diet|Comments Off on Planning a Balanced Diet: Principles and Aspects

Goitre: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

In this article we will discuss about the Goitre:- 1. Meaning of Goitre 2. Clinical Symptoms of Goitre 3. Clinical Effects and Complications 4. Treatment 5. Prevention. Contents: Meaning of Goitre Clinical Symptoms of Goitre Clinical Effects and Complications of Goitre Treatment of Goitre Prevention for Goitre 1. Meaning of Goitre: The term "Goitre" is used to denote enlargement of [...]

By |2016-08-06T14:12:58+00:00August 6, 2016|Goitre|Comments Off on Goitre: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention
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