Tag Archives | Nutrition

Problem of Nutrition in Photosynthesis

In this article we will discuss about the problem of nutrition in photosynthesis. Every year plant food production of the world is nearly 1.4 x 109 tons of dry matter. This estimate includes cereals, starch, roots, sugar and oil seeds but did not take into account vegetables and fruits. In other words, plant production thus covers only about 1.3% of [...]

By |2016-07-20T08:05:27+00:00July 20, 2016|Photosynthesis|Comments Off on Problem of Nutrition in Photosynthesis

Nutrition and Protozoa (With Diagram)

The following points highlight the seven important modes of nutrition in Protozoa. The modes are: 1. Holozoic or Zoo-Trophic Nutrition 2. Pinocytosis 3. Autotrophic or Holophytic Nutrition 4. Saprozoic Nutrition 5. Parasitic Nutrition 6. Coprozoic Nutrition 7. Mixotrophic Nutrition. Nutrition: Mode # 1. Holozoic or Zoo-Trophic Nutrition: Majority of Protozoa nutrite holozoically, i.e., like animals on solid food. The food [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:38:20+00:00May 2, 2016|Protozoa|Comments Off on Nutrition and Protozoa (With Diagram)
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