Tag Archives | Nutrition

Nutritional Characteristics of a Substance | Protein Value

The following points highlight the three main nutritional characteristics of a substance. The nutritional characteristics are: 1. Digestibility of Proteins 2. Availability of the Digested Products 3. Presence and Amounts of the Various Essential Amino Acids. Nutritional Characteristic # 1. Digestibility of Proteins: It is ex­pressed as the percentage of the food ni­trogen which has been absorbed. Absorbed N = [...]

By |2016-08-06T14:12:56+00:00August 6, 2016|Nutrition|Comments Off on Nutritional Characteristics of a Substance | Protein Value

Factors of a Correct Diet for Human Body | Nutrition

The following points highlight the seven main factors of a correct diet for human body. The factors are: 1. Energy Value 2. Quality and Quantity of the Constituents of Food 3. Variation in the Diet 4. Digestibility of the Food 5. Cooking 6. Psychological Factors 7. Cost. Factor # 1. Energy Value: The average caloric requirement of the adult male [...]

By |2016-08-06T14:12:56+00:00August 6, 2016|Nutrition|Comments Off on Factors of a Correct Diet for Human Body | Nutrition

Essay on Pellagra: Features, Diagnosis and Treatment

In this essay we will discuss about the Pellagra:- 1. Meaning of Pellagra 2. Clinical Features of Pellagra 3. Diagnosis 4. Laboratory Findings 5. Prognosis 6. Treatment 7. Prevention. Contents: Essay on the Meaning of Pellagra Essay on the Clinical Features of Pellagra Essay on the Diagnosis of Pellagra Essay on the Laboratory Findings of Pellagra Essay on the Prognosis [...]

By |2016-08-06T14:12:56+00:00August 6, 2016|Pellagra|Comments Off on Essay on Pellagra: Features, Diagnosis and Treatment
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