Tag Archives | Nucleus

5 Main Components of the Nucleus (With Diagram)

The following points highlight the five main components of the nucleus. The components are: 1. Nuclear envelope 2. Nuclear Sap or Nucleoplasm 3. Nucleolus 4. Chromatic Reticulum 5. Chromosomes.   Nucleus: Component # 1. Nuclear Envelope: The nuclear membrane or karyotheca is the outer boundary of the nucleus. It is found in the nuclei of all the eukaryotic cells. Electron [...]

By |2016-07-12T13:55:59+00:00July 12, 2016|Nucleus|Comments Off on 5 Main Components of the Nucleus (With Diagram)

Components of the Nucleus (With Diagram) | Cell

The following points highlight the six main components of the nucleus found in cells. The components are: 1. Nuclear Envelope 2. Nuclear Lamina 3. Nucleoplasm (Nuclear Sap) 4. Nucleolus 5. Chromatin Fibres 6. Nuclear Matrix. Component # 1. Nuclear Envelope: The nuclear envelope is made up of two concentric membranes, each of 7-8 nm thickness. The space between the two [...]

By |2016-07-12T13:51:03+00:00July 12, 2016|Nucleus|Comments Off on Components of the Nucleus (With Diagram) | Cell

Nucleus in Plant Cell: Types and Parts

In this article we will discuss about the types and parts of nucleus in plants. Types of Nucleus: 1. Uninucleate cell: It is also referred to as monokaryotic cell, mostly plant cell which contain single nucleus. 2. Bi-nucleate cell: It is also called as dikaryotic cell, which contains 2 nucleus at a time. Example is (i) Paramecium (mega and micronucleus) [...]

By |2016-07-12T12:27:22+00:00July 12, 2016|Protoplasm|Comments Off on Nucleus in Plant Cell: Types and Parts
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