Tag Archives | Nitrogen Compounds

Metabolism of Amino Acids | Biochemistry

In this article we will discuss about the process of metabolism in amino acids.  We know that ammonia can be formed and then be found in the form of amino group of glutamic acid. We have studied the reactions — transamina­tion and deamination — by which amino groups can be added to or removed from amino acids. The forms in [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:26:26+00:00December 23, 2016|Amino Acids|Comments Off on Metabolism of Amino Acids | Biochemistry

Metabolism of Dicarboxylic Amino Acids and their Amides

Glutamic acid, aspartic acid and their amides occupy an important place in the metabolism of nitrogenous compounds. We know that glutamic acid was the main entry point of ammonia into biological compounds and we will see that its metabolism is linked to that of several other amino acids; as for its amide, glutamine, it plays an important role in the [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:26:26+00:00December 23, 2016|Nitrogen Compounds|Comments Off on Metabolism of Dicarboxylic Amino Acids and their Amides

Metabolism of Phenylalanine and Tyrosine | Biochemistry

It is not surprising that the metabolism of these two aromatic amino acids is closely linked because they differ only by the presence of a phenolic OH in the tyrosine molecule. We will not study here their biosynthesis which — in organisms where it takes place, especially bacteria — starts from 2 compounds of the carbohydrate metabolism (erythrose-4-℗ and phosphocnolpyruvate) [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:26:23+00:00December 23, 2016|Nitrogen Compounds|Comments Off on Metabolism of Phenylalanine and Tyrosine | Biochemistry
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