Tag Archives | Nitrogen

Biogeochemical Cycling of Nitro­gen | Microbiology

The key processes of biogeochemical cycling of nitro­gen are: 1. Nitrogen Fixation 2. Ammonification 3. Nitrification 4. Denitrification. 1. Nitrogen Fixation: Nitro­gen fixation is a process of conver­sion of gaseous form of nitrogen (N2) into combined forms i.e. ammo­nia or organic nitrogen by some bacteria and cyanobacteria. There are free-living as well as symbiotic microorganisms which fix N2 into proteins. [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:03:48+00:00November 28, 2016|Plant Physiology|Comments Off on Biogeochemical Cycling of Nitro­gen | Microbiology

Estimation of Nitrogen by Kjeldahl Method | Plants

In this article we will discuss about the Kjeldahl method for the estimation of nitrogen in plants. Principle: Digestion of nitrogenous compounds by concentrated sulphuric acid in presence of catalysts (reduced iron powder, and a mixture of CuSO4 and K2SO4) produces ammonium compound. Further, such ammo­nium compound when distilled by steam in presence of strong alkali (40% NaOH soln.) produces [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:40:09+00:00October 20, 2016|Plants|Comments Off on Estimation of Nitrogen by Kjeldahl Method | Plants

Metabolism of Nitrogen in Plants | Botany

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Nitrogen Cycle in Plants 2. Biological Nitrogen Fixation of Plants 3. Synthesis of Amino Acids in Plants 4. Protein Synthesis in Plants 5. Soil Less Culture (Hydroponics) 6. Application of Fertilizers. Contents: Nitrogen Cycle in Plants Biological Nitrogen Fixation of Plants Synthesis of Amino Acids in Plants Protein Synthesis in Plants Soil [...]

By |2016-09-16T08:11:59+00:00September 16, 2016|Nitrogen Metabolism|Comments Off on Metabolism of Nitrogen in Plants | Botany
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