Tag Archives | Nephridia

Comparison between Three Types of Nephridia | Earthworm

Learn about the comparison between three types of nephridia. Comparison # Septal Nephridia: 1. Occur in segment 15 onward. 2. Attached to the septa. 3. Vary from 80 to 100 per segment. 4. Open internally, having nephrostome. 5. Largest in size. 6. Enteronephric. 7. Remove metabolic wastes from the blood and coelomic fluid. Comparison # Pharyngeal Nephridia: 1. Occur in [...]

By |2016-09-06T07:42:56+00:00September 6, 2016|Nephridia|Comments Off on Comparison between Three Types of Nephridia | Earthworm

Excretory System of Nephridia (Earthworm)

Excretory System of Nephridia (Earthworm)! These are of three types according to their location in the body: 1. Septal nephridia; 2. Integumentary nephridia  3. Pharyngeal nephridia. 1. Septal Nephridia: These are found situated on the inter-seg­mental septum between 15th and 16th segments to the posterior side of the body. Each septum bears nephridia on both the surfaces arranged in semicircles [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:28:56+00:00May 2, 2016|Earthworms|Comments Off on Excretory System of Nephridia (Earthworm)
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