Tag Archives | Life Cycle

Hosts for Completion of Plasmodium Life Cycle (With Diagram)

The following points highlight the two hosts for completion of life cycle of plasmodium. The hosts are: 1. Life Cycle of Plasmodium in Man 2. Life Cycle of Plasmodium in Female Anopheles Mosquito. Host # 1. Life Cycle of Plasmodium in Man: Infection of man: The infective stage of Plasmodium is a minute organism called sporozoite. When the female Anopheles [...]

By |2016-09-06T07:56:40+00:00September 6, 2016|Protozoa|Comments Off on Hosts for Completion of Plasmodium Life Cycle (With Diagram)

Life Cycle of Plant Groups: 3 Types | Plant Kingdom

The following points highlight the three types of life cycle of plant groups. The types are: 1. Haplontic 2. Diplontic 3. Haplodiplontic. Type # 1. Haplontic (Fig. 3.24): There is a single vegetative individual or somatic phase. It is haploid and is often called gametophyte. The haploid plant body may be unicellu­lar, colonial or multicellular. It can multiply vegetatively and [...]

By |2016-09-06T07:56:35+00:00September 6, 2016|Plant Kingdom|Comments Off on Life Cycle of Plant Groups: 3 Types | Plant Kingdom

Life Cycle of Silkworm Moth

The following points highlight the four main stages involved in the life cycle of silkworm moth. The stages are: 1. Adult Moth 2. Eggs 3. Larva 4. Pupa and Imago. Stage # 1. Adult Moth: The adult moths are 25 mm in length and the span of wings is 40-50 mm. The female silkworm moths are larger than the males. [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:32:38+00:00May 27, 2016|Silkworm|Comments Off on Life Cycle of Silkworm Moth
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