Tag Archives | Insects

Top 22 Insect Species Found in India

List of twenty-two important insects species found in India:- 1. Silver Fish 2. Springtail 3. Locust 4. Rice Bug 5. Cricket 6. Stick and Leaf Insects 7. Earwig 8. Mayfly 9. Dragon Fly 10. Bed Bug 11. Louse 12. Lac Insect 13. Butterfly 14. Common Windmill (Parities Philoxenus) 15. Krishna Peacock (Papilio Krishna) 16. Kaiser-I-Hind (Teinopalpus Imperialis) and Others. 1. [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:32:58+00:00May 27, 2016|Phylum Arthropoda|Comments Off on Top 22 Insect Species Found in India

Metamorphosis: Kinds, Events and Role of Hormones

In this article we will discuss about Metamorphosis in Insects:- 1. Meaning of Metamorphosis 2. Types of Metamorphosis 3. Events 4. Role of Hormones. Meaning of Metamorphosis: Metamorphosis can be defined as "a rapid and complete transfor­mation from an immature larval life to a sexually adult form involving morphology, function and habitat changes". Ecdysis or moulting is the periodic shed- [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:32:56+00:00May 27, 2016|Insects|Comments Off on Metamorphosis: Kinds, Events and Role of Hormones

5 Major Disease Producing Insects

The following points highlight the five major disease producing insects. The insects are: 1. Mosquitoes 2. Flies 3. Fleas 4. Bugs 5. Lice. Disease Producing Insect # 1. Mosquitoes: Several species of Anopheles are vectors of human malaria. The female Anopheles bites a malarial patient and takes in malarial Plasmodium along with human blood. Plasmodium multiplies and undergoes sporogony in [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:45:54+00:00May 2, 2016|Diseases|Comments Off on 5 Major Disease Producing Insects
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