Tag Archives | India

Beverages: Tea and Coffee | Economic Botany

In this article we will discuss about the two most commonly found beverages that are found in India. 1. Tea (Hindi – Cha or Chat): Botanical Name: Camellia sinensis (L). O. Kuntze (Syn. Thea sinensis L.) Family: Theaceae 1. It is the most common non-alcoholic beverage, used by more than one-half of the world's population. 2. It is obtained from [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:46:23+00:00October 20, 2016|Economic Botany|Comments Off on Beverages: Tea and Coffee | Economic Botany

Essay on Forests in India | Ecology

After reading this essay you will learn about: 1. History of Forest 2. Meaning of Forest 3. Types of Forests 4. Importance of Forests 5. Functions of Forest 6. Deforestation and Afforestation. Essay Contents: Essay on the History of Forest Essay on the Meaning of Forest Essay on the Types of Forests Essay on the Importance of Forests Essay on [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:35:04+00:00October 20, 2016|Forests|Comments Off on Essay on Forests in India | Ecology

Fossil Flora of India | Botany

In this article we will discuss about the various fossil flora’s found in India. A study of the fossil plants of the different ages is the most direct evidence of the evolution of the Plant Kingdom. The history of the different Plant Groups as evidenced by Palaeobotanic studies may be summarised as follows: The distribution of the different groups in [...]

By |2016-10-17T07:29:58+00:00October 17, 2016|India|Comments Off on Fossil Flora of India | Botany
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