Tag Archives | Immune Responses

Cell-Mediated (Cellular) Immunity: Notes | Immune Responses

The below mentioned article provides notes on cell-mediated (cellular) immunity. The cell-mediated or cellular immunity is that where the T-lymphocytes destroy other cells having antigens on their surface without any mediation by antibodies. The precursors of T-lymphocytes produced by stem cells of bone marrow pass through liver and spleen before reaching the thymus where they are processed, hence called thymus-dependent [...]

By |2016-09-16T06:06:28+00:00September 16, 2016|Immunology|Comments Off on Cell-Mediated (Cellular) Immunity: Notes | Immune Responses

Primary and Secondary Immune Responses

The B and T-lymphocytes that are yet to encounter an antigen are called naive B and naive T-cells. The naive B-cells that encounter the antigen, proliferate and differentiate into two types of cells: the antibody-secreting plasma cells and the memory B-cells. The plasma cells form the basis of primary immune response, which is the response mounted by the immune system [...]

By |2016-09-16T06:06:25+00:00September 16, 2016|Immunology|Comments Off on Primary and Secondary Immune Responses

Antibody-Mediated (Humoral) Immunity

The antibody-mediated or humoral immunity is that where the B-lymphocytes synthesize antibodies response to the detection of antigens and these antibodies counteract with those antigens. Antibody-mediated immunity is often referred to as humoral immunity because the antibody molecules flow extracellularly through the blood and other vital body fluids which are called humors in Greek. The precursors of B-lymphocytes, which originate [...]

By |2016-09-16T06:06:08+00:00September 16, 2016|Immunology|Comments Off on Antibody-Mediated (Humoral) Immunity
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