Tag Archives | Humans

Acyanotic Congenital Heart Disease | Humans | Medical Science

The following points highlight the defects caused due to acyanotic congenital heart disease that is found in humans. The defects are: 1. Ventricular Septal Defect 2. Atrial Septal Defect 3. Patent Ductus Arteriosus 4. Aortico-Pulmonary Septal Defect 5. Ruptured Sinus of Valsalva 6. Fistula of a Coronary Artery. 1. Ventricular Septal Defect: Defect in the ventricular septa may present as [...]

By |2018-03-06T06:24:21+00:00March 6, 2018|Heart Diseases|Comments Off on Acyanotic Congenital Heart Disease | Humans | Medical Science

Myocardial Infarction and Its Symptoms | Cardiovascular Disease

In myocardial infarction (MI) there is necrosis of cardiac muscle due to inadequate coronary circulation. Sudden death may occur when obstruction to coronary flow is precarious. Most deaths occurring within 24 hours of the onset of attack are due to ventricular fibrillation. Anatomy of Coronary Arteries: There are three main sources of coronary arterial blood supply: (1) The anterior descending [...]

By |2018-03-06T06:24:21+00:00March 6, 2018|Myocardial Infarction|Comments Off on Myocardial Infarction and Its Symptoms | Cardiovascular Disease

Common Causes & Sites of Oculomotor Paralysis | Humans | Medical Science

Nuclear lesions occur in the brain stem and common causes include vascular' infarctions, demyelination and brain stem tumours, like gliomas. Commonly neighbouring structures in the brain stem are also involved e.g. third nerve palsy with contralateral hemiplegia (Weber's syndrome), third nerve palsy with contralateraltremordue to involvement of Red nucleus (Benedikt's syndrome) and ipsilateral sixth and seventh nerve palsy with contralateral [...]

By |2018-03-06T06:24:21+00:00March 6, 2018|Paralysis|Comments Off on Common Causes & Sites of Oculomotor Paralysis | Humans | Medical Science
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