Tag Archives | Human Body

Gastro-Intestinal Hormones of Human Body | Digestive System | Biology

In this article we will discuss about the interactions and metabolic effects of gastro-intestinal hormones. Interactions of Gastro-Intestinal Hormones: As gastrin stimulates acid secretion, it probably combines with specific receptor sites on the effector cells. When the concentration of gastrin is high, many receptor sites are occupied and when this concentration is low, few receptor sites are occupied. This relationship [...]

By |2017-07-27T08:05:36+00:00July 27, 2017|Gastro-Intestinal Hormones|Comments Off on Gastro-Intestinal Hormones of Human Body | Digestive System | Biology

Secretions in the Gastro-Intestinal Tract | Digestive System | Human | Biology

The various humoral (chemical) factors controlling the different secretions in the gastro-intestinal tract may be summarised as follows: 1. For Gastric Secretion: i. Gastrin- Responsible for gastric phase. ii. A chemical substance may be a hormone or secretagogue - Responsible for intestinal phase. iii. Enterogastrone- Inhibits gastric secretion. 2. For Pancreatic Secretion: i. Secretin- Main chemical stimulus. ii. Pancreozymin. iii. [...]

By |2017-07-27T08:05:36+00:00July 27, 2017|Digestive System|Comments Off on Secretions in the Gastro-Intestinal Tract | Digestive System | Human | Biology

Movements of Human Small Intestine: 2 Types | Digestive System | Biology

The following types of movements are found in the human small intestine: 1. Rhythmic segmentation or Ludwig's pendulum 2. Peristalsis. Type # 1. Rhythmic Segmentation: Nature: These are rings of contraction occurring at regular space of intervals in which a portion of the intestine is divided into segments. The contraction is followed by relaxation. The contraction takes place at the [...]

By |2017-07-27T08:05:36+00:00July 27, 2017|Digestive System|Comments Off on Movements of Human Small Intestine: 2 Types | Digestive System | Biology
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