Tag Archives | Human Beings

Types of Breathing Resistance in Human Beings | Biology

The air as it enters the lungs meets with two types of resistances: 1. Elastic Resistance 2. Non-Elastic Resistance. Type # 1. Elastic Resistance: Elastic resistance is exerted by the elastic tissue of the lung parenchyma and surface tension of intra-alveolar fluid. Elastic tissues of the lungs obey Hooke's law which means that change in volume of lungs is directly [...]

By |2017-07-27T08:05:44+00:00July 27, 2017|Respiratory System|Comments Off on Types of Breathing Resistance in Human Beings | Biology

Breathing Process in Human Beings (With Diagram) | Respiration | Biology

The expansion of the lungs during inspiration follows the enlargement of the thoracic cavity in all its diameters by the contraction of the respiratory muscles. These are mentioned below: 1. Diaphragm: A dome-shaped muscle separating the abdominal wall from the thoracic cavity, with vertically running fibres at the periphery and horizontally running fibres at the centre ending in the central [...]

By |2017-07-27T08:05:44+00:00July 27, 2017|Respiratory System|Comments Off on Breathing Process in Human Beings (With Diagram) | Respiration | Biology

Contents of CO2 in Blood of Human Beings | Respiration | Biology

In this article we will discuss about the contents of CO2 in blood of human beings with the help of suitable diagrams. CO2 Content and Tension of Blood: Arterial blood contains about 48 volume of CO2 and venous blood 52 volume of CO2 per 100 ml, tension of CO2 being 40 mm Hg and 46 mm Hg in the arterial [...]

By |2017-07-27T08:05:43+00:00July 27, 2017|Respiratory System|Comments Off on Contents of CO2 in Blood of Human Beings | Respiration | Biology
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