Tag Archives | Heart

Diseases of the Heart | Humans | Medical Science

Here is a list of twelve major heart diseases found in humans. 1. Congenital Heart Disease: Congenital heart disease is due to defective development of heart of the foetus in utero, resulting in structural or positional abnormality present at birth. Those with major defects may die soon after birth but others survive with some functional deficit. Most important developments take [...]

By |2018-03-06T06:24:22+00:00March 6, 2018|Heart Diseases|Comments Off on Diseases of the Heart | Humans | Medical Science

How to Prevent Recurrence of Heart Attack ? | Medical Science

Is there any form of treatment, diet or exercise which will prevent recurrence, cause regression of atheroma, encourage development of collaterals or reopen clogged arteries? These aspects remain controversial and will therefore be discussed in some detail. 1. Diet: Restriction of caloric intake to treat or prevent obesity is essential. Diet should be constructed out of what the patient eats [...]

By |2018-03-06T06:24:22+00:00March 6, 2018|Heart Attack|Comments Off on How to Prevent Recurrence of Heart Attack ? | Medical Science

Chronic Pulmonary Heart Disease and Its Treatment | Medical Science

The term Cor Pulmonale was introduced by Stuart Harris (1952), Chronic Pulmonary Heart Disease (CPHD) or chronic cor pulmonale; is characterised by hypertrophy of the right ventricle, due to hypertension in the pulmonary circuit caused by chronic lung disease or pulmonary vascular pathology. But CPHD does not include cardiac damage due to pulmonary hypertension of mitral stenosis or congenital heart [...]

By |2018-03-06T06:24:21+00:00March 6, 2018|Heart Diseases|Comments Off on Chronic Pulmonary Heart Disease and Its Treatment | Medical Science
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