Tag Archives | Halophytes

Halophytes: Meaning and Types

After reading this article you will learn about the meaning and types of halophytes. Meaning of Halophytes: The term halophyte literally means salt plant. According to Jennings (1975) halophytes are defined as the native flora of saline soils and has assumed the salt concentration with osmotic pressure of at least 3.3 bars. The non-halophytes are called glycophytes (sweet plants). Types [...]

By |2016-06-13T05:33:31+00:00June 13, 2016|Arid Zone|Comments Off on Halophytes: Meaning and Types

9 Main Uses of Halophytes

This article throws light upon the nine main uses of halophytes are: 1. Food 2. Alcohol 3. Barilla 4. Tannin 5. Timber 6. Mats, Baskets and Cordage 7. Land Reclamation 8. Land-Building 9. Liquid Wax. Use # 1. Food: The only major food crop derived from a halophyte gene pool the sugar beet, Beta vulgaris. Its various races are grown [...]

By |2016-06-13T05:33:27+00:00June 13, 2016|Arid Zone|Comments Off on 9 Main Uses of Halophytes
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