Tag Archives | Growth Regulators

Study Notes on Cyclic AMP (CAMP) | Plant Physiology

The below mentioned article provides study notes on Cyclic AMP (CAMP). Cyclic AMP was discovered by E.W. Sutherlandt in 1956 in animal liver cells. Since then it has been demonstrated in several animal tissues where its regulatory role has been well demonstrated. There are several evidences regarding the presence of cAMP in plants. Most of these evidences are based on [...]

By |2016-07-20T08:05:21+00:00July 20, 2016|Growth Regulators|Comments Off on Study Notes on Cyclic AMP (CAMP) | Plant Physiology

Top 11 Inhibitors of Plant Growth Regulators

In this article we will discuss about the top eleven inhibitors of plant growth regulators. The inhibitors are: 1. Ascorbic Acid 2. Heliangine and Portulal 3. Xanthoxin 4. Lunularic Acid 5. Asparagusate 6. Brassinolide 7. Pestalotin 8. Dihydroconiferyl Alcohol 9. Germination Inhibitors 10. Fusicoccin 11. Brassins. Inhibitor # 1. Ascorbic Acid: It is also called vitamin C and is a [...]

By |2016-07-20T08:05:20+00:00July 20, 2016|Growth Regulators|Comments Off on Top 11 Inhibitors of Plant Growth Regulators

Growth Regulators in Flowering Plants| Plant Physiology

In this article we will discuss about the growth regulators in flowering. Phytohormones and Flower Initiation: In recent years considerable information has accumulated to demonstrate that growth regulations change the flowering behaviour of several plant species. Further the effect of growth regulators varies with the plant species, its age, concentration of growth regulators employed as well as temperature, etc. The [...]

By |2016-07-20T08:05:19+00:00July 20, 2016|Growth Regulators|Comments Off on Growth Regulators in Flowering Plants| Plant Physiology
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