Tag Archives | Green House

Top 2 Types of Structures for Green Houses | Horticulture

This article throws light upon the top two types of structures for green houses. The types are: 1. Temporary Structures 2. Permanent Structures. Type # 1. Temporary Structures: Cold or Storage Pits: In early times, pits used to dig about 90 cm deep to store the pot plants or germinating seedlings, the top was covered with transparent material or glass [...]

By |2016-11-05T04:04:41+00:00November 5, 2016|Floriculture|Comments Off on Top 2 Types of Structures for Green Houses | Horticulture

4 Steps for the Construction of Green House | Horticulture

This article throws light upon the four steps for the construction of green house. The steps are: 1. Foundation 2. Frame Work 3. Pitch of Proof 4. Determination of the Pitch. Step # 1. Foundation: It provides support to the structure. Small green houses may have shallow foundation continuously around perimeter of the building. A typical foundation consists of concrete [...]

By |2016-11-05T04:04:40+00:00November 5, 2016|Floriculture|Comments Off on 4 Steps for the Construction of Green House | Horticulture

Heating of Green House | Horticulture

During winter months when temperature in green house goes down below the optimal range of temperature required to produce quality blooms. Heat loss in green house is through conduction, infiltration and radiation. Metallic frame, polythene, sash bars, etc. are the sources of heat loss through conduction whereas leakages and holes are the sources of infiltration. In radiation warm objects emits [...]

By |2016-11-05T04:04:39+00:00November 5, 2016|Horticulture|Comments Off on Heating of Green House | Horticulture
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