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Top 6 Factors Influencing Disease Cycle of Rice | Plant Disease

The following points highlight the top six factors influencing disease cycle of rice. The factors are: 1. Conidial Germination 2. Appressoria Formation and Host Penetration 3. Dispersal and Spread 4. Lesion Growth 5. Sporulation 6. Latent Period. Disease Cycle of Rice: Factor # 1. Conidial Germination: Leaf wetness is required for all of the infection sub processes; the relationship between [...]

By |2016-07-28T09:54:28+00:00July 28, 2016|Plant Diseases|Comments Off on Top 6 Factors Influencing Disease Cycle of Rice | Plant Disease

Notes on Disease Severity in Wheat

The below mentioned article provides notes on diseases severity in wheat. Several diseases rating scales has been proposed by various workers for evaluation of resistance in wheat and barley. Adlakha (1984) gave 0-5 disease severity scale which is less precise to differentiate the available wheat genotypes to foliar blight. Per cent leaf area scale of Conner (1990) and Hetzler (1992) [...]

By |2016-07-28T09:54:27+00:00July 28, 2016|Plant Diseases|Comments Off on Notes on Disease Severity in Wheat

Seed Discolouration in Rice- Discussed ! | Plant Diseases

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Rice 2. Damage Caused to Rice 3. Occurrence and Distribution 4. Predisposing Factors 5. Control of Diseases. Introduction to Rice: Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important cereal crop of the world. About 90 per cent of rice produce in world is consumed only in Asia, while, [...]

By |2016-07-28T09:54:27+00:00July 28, 2016|Plant Diseases|Comments Off on Seed Discolouration in Rice- Discussed ! | Plant Diseases
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