Tag Archives | Glycoproteins

Diseases due to Abnormalities in Synthesis of Glycoproteins

The following points highlight the seven major diseases caused due to abnormalities in the synthesis of glycoproteins.  1. Many cancer cells exhibit different pro­files of oligosaccharide chains on their surfaces and some of which contribute to metastasis. 2. Carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syn­drome (CDGS) is caused due to defects in the biosynthesis of N-glycan chains (e.g., due to deficiency of Glc NAC [...]

By |2016-08-03T17:40:10+00:00August 3, 2016|Glycoproteins|Comments Off on Diseases due to Abnormalities in Synthesis of Glycoproteins

Processes which Requires Involvement of Glycoproteins

The following points highlight the two main processes which requires involvement of glycoproteins. The processes are: 1. Importance of Glycoproteins in Fertilization 2. Selectins Play Key Roles in Inflammation. Process # 1. Importance of Glycoproteins in Fertilization: (a) A sperm has to traverse the Zona Pelluc­ida (ZP), a thick, transparent, non-cellular envelope that surrounds the oocyte to reach the plasma [...]

By |2016-08-03T17:40:10+00:00August 3, 2016|Glycoproteins|Comments Off on Processes which Requires Involvement of Glycoproteins

Glycoproteins: Synthesis and Role | Biochemistry

In this article we will discuss about Glycoproteins:- 1. Subject Matter of Glycoproteins 2. Oligosaccharides of Glycoproteins 3. Synthesis of Complex Carbohydrates 4. Lectins can be Used for Purification 5. Blood Group Antigens 6. Role in Fertilization 7. Proteoglycans 8. Tunicamycin. Contents: Subject Matter of Glycoproteins Oligosaccharides of Glycoproteins Synthesis of Complex Carbohydrates of Glycoproteins Lectins can be Used for [...]

By |2016-08-03T17:40:10+00:00August 3, 2016|Glycoproteins|Comments Off on Glycoproteins: Synthesis and Role | Biochemistry
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