Tag Archives | Genetics

Inbreeding of Individuals: Methods and Application | Genetics

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Methods of Inbreeding 2. Genetic Effects of Inbreeding 3. Inbreeding Depression 4. Practical Applications. The process of mating of individuals which are more closely related than the average of the population to which they belong, is called inbreeding. For example, parthenogenesis in animals and apomixes and self-fertilization in plants are the most [...]

By |2017-11-09T18:48:02+00:00November 9, 2017|Inbreeding|Comments Off on Inbreeding of Individuals: Methods and Application | Genetics

Models of Gene-Pool Structure | Population Genetics

Regarding the genetic structure of the population, the following two hypotheses have been proposed:- 1. Classical Hypothesis 2. Balance Hypothesis. Model # 1. Classical Hypothesis: It was developed by T.H. Morgan (1932) and supported by H.J. Muller and Kaplan (1966). The classical hypothesis proposes that the gene pool of a population consists at each gene locus of a wild-type allele [...]

By |2017-11-09T18:48:02+00:00November 9, 2017|Population Genetics|Comments Off on Models of Gene-Pool Structure | Population Genetics

Chance Mating in Mendelian Population | Genetics

Just as the gene frequency is controlled in the genetic laboratory, so is the mating pattern, generation after generation. But outside the laboratory, chance mating is a chance or random affair. Every member of Mendelian population, thus, depends on chance or random matings. In other words, every male gamete in the gene pool has an equal opportunity of uniting with [...]

By |2017-11-09T18:48:02+00:00November 9, 2017|Population Genetics|Comments Off on Chance Mating in Mendelian Population | Genetics
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