Tag Archives | General Bacteriology

Living Agents of Disease

In this article we will discuss about the Living Agents of Disease. In nature, both non-living and living agents do exist. The relationship of the living, agents with the environment has been named "ecology" (Gr. aikos — home, native land logos — science). The living agents are distributed everywhere in the environment as well as inside and on the surface [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:37:14+00:00May 16, 2016|Dental Microbiology|Comments Off on Living Agents of Disease

Bacteria: Definition, Characteristics and Practical Work

In this article we will discuss about Bacteria:- 1. Definition of Bacteria 2. Characteristics of Bacteria 3. Practical Work. Definition of Bacteria: Bacteria can be defined briefly as minute microorganisms with a prokaryotic form of cellular organisation. They are usually unicellular, they may divide by binary fission and grow attached to one another in clusters, chains, filaments (hyphae) or a [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:37:14+00:00May 16, 2016|Bacteria|Comments Off on Bacteria: Definition, Characteristics and Practical Work

Staining Techniques for Recognition of Bacteria

The following points highlight the top two staining techniques for recognition of bacteria. The techniques are: 1. Gram Stain Method 2. Ziehl Neelsen Method. Staining Technique # 1. Gram Stain Method: Before staining, the position of the smear on the slide should be confirmed by making a scratch with the help of a needle or sharp glass slide, NEVER with [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:37:14+00:00May 16, 2016|Bacteria|Comments Off on Staining Techniques for Recognition of Bacteria
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