Tag Archives | Fungi

Nutrition in Fungi (With Diagrams)| Botany

In this article we will discuss the nutritional requirements, essential elements, sources of macro elements, modes and mechanism of nutrition in fungi.   Nutritional Requirements: The fungi utilise both organic compounds and inorganic materials as the source of their nutrient supply. In other words, organic and inorganic compounds constitute their food. No fungus is able to make any increase in [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:34:41+00:00November 28, 2016|Fungi|Comments Off on Nutrition in Fungi (With Diagrams)| Botany

Structure of Fungal Cell (With Diagram) | Fungi

In this article we will discuss about the structure of fungal cell. This will also help you to draw the structure and diagram of the fungal cell. (a) The Cell Wall of the Fungal Cell: The composition of cell wall is variable among the different groups of fungi or between the different species of the same group. In the majority [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:34:41+00:00November 28, 2016|Fungi|Comments Off on Structure of Fungal Cell (With Diagram) | Fungi

Life Cycle of Slime Mold (With Diagram) | Physarum

In this article we will discuss about the life cycle of slime mold with the help of a suitable diagram. The life cycle of an endogenous slime mold such as Physarum starts with the germination of a meiospore under favourable conditions. One to four uninucleate haploid biflagellate swarm cells or myxamoebae are released through a slit or pore; the former [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:34:40+00:00November 28, 2016|Fungi|Comments Off on Life Cycle of Slime Mold (With Diagram) | Physarum
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