Tag Archives | Evolution

Essay on Evolutionary Theory | Species | Biology

Here is an essay on ‘Evolutionary Theory’ for class 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Evolutionary Theory’ especially written for school and college students. Essay # 1. Introduction to Evolutionary Theory: Biology came of age as a science when Charles Darwin published “On the Origin of Species.” But, the idea of evolution wasn’t new [...]

By |2017-12-11T05:39:46+00:00December 11, 2017|Evolutionary Theory|Comments Off on Essay on Evolutionary Theory | Species | Biology

Essay @ Evolution of Life | Biology

Life evolved in the sea. It stayed there for the majority of the history of earth. The first replicating molecules were most likely RNA. RNA is a nucleic acid similar to DNA. In laboratory studies it has been shown that some RNA sequences have catalytic capabilities. Most importantly, certain RNA sequences act as polymerases — enzymes that form strands of [...]

By |2017-12-11T05:39:46+00:00December 11, 2017|Evolution of Life|Comments Off on Essay @ Evolution of Life | Biology

Mechanisms of Genetic Variation | Evolution | Species | Biology

In this article we will discuss about the mechanisms that decrease and increase genetic variation. Mechanisms that Decrease Genetic Variation: i. Natural Selection: Some types of organisms within a population leave more offspring than others. Over time, the frequency of the more prolific type will increase. The difference in reproductive capability is called natural selection. Natural selection is the only [...]

By |2017-12-11T05:39:46+00:00December 11, 2017|Genetic Variation|Comments Off on Mechanisms of Genetic Variation | Evolution | Species | Biology
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