Tag Archives | Erysiphe

Reproduction in Erysiphe (With Diagram) | Euascomycetidae

In this article we will discuss about the reproduction in erysiphe. This will also help you to draw the structure and diagram of reproduction in erysiphe. Asexual Reproduction in Erysiphe (Fig. 11.4): With the establishment of the ectomycelium on the surface of the host, the fungal parasite starts reproducing asexually during the growing season by producing asexual spores known as [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:34:37+00:00November 28, 2016|Fungi|Comments Off on Reproduction in Erysiphe (With Diagram) | Euascomycetidae

Erysiphe: Genus and Cell Structure | Euascomycetidae

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Erysiphe 2. Primary Infection Caused by Erysiphe 3. Cell Structure 4. Haustorium 5. Disease Aspect. Contents: Introduction to Erysiphe Primary Infection Caused by Erysiphe Cell Structure of Erysiphe Haustorium of Erysiphe Disease Aspect of Erysiphe 1. Introduction to Erysiphe: The type genus Erysiphe includes several species of which about 22 [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:34:33+00:00November 8, 2016|Fungi|Comments Off on Erysiphe: Genus and Cell Structure | Euascomycetidae

Classification of Erysiphe (With Diagram)| Fungi

In this article we will discuss about the classification of erysiphe. Family Erysiphaceae: The family is very well-known on account of its abundance everywhere, its simpli­city of structure, and its possession of typical ascigerous and conidial stages. Members of the family are easily recognizable since they form a coating of white conidia, coni­diophores and mycelium upon the surface of the [...]

By |2016-10-17T07:30:07+00:00October 17, 2016|Fungi|Comments Off on Classification of Erysiphe (With Diagram)| Fungi
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