Tag Archives | Ecology

Health Risk Associated with Hazardous Waste | Ecology

This article throws light upon the two categories of health risk hazards associated with hazardous waste. The categories are: 1. Occupational health hazards 2. Health Hazards due to Environmental Contami­nations. Health Risk: Category # 1. Occupational Hazards Associated with Waste Handling: 1. Infections: 1. Skin and blood infections resulting from di­rect contact with waste, and from infected wounds. 2. Eye [...]

By |2016-12-13T19:11:40+00:00December 13, 2016|Wastes|Comments Off on Health Risk Associated with Hazardous Waste | Ecology

Management of Hazardous Waste: 7 Steps | Ecology

This article throws light upon the seven main steps involved in management of Hazardous Waste (HW). The steps are: 1. Identification of Hazardous Waste Gen­eration 2. Data Collection 3. Waste Characterisation 4. Quantification of Hazardous Wastes 5. Identification of Sites for Disposal 6. Conducting EIA 7. Implementing TSDF Programme. Step # 1. Identification of Hazardous Waste Gen­eration: Identifying the HW [...]

By |2016-12-13T19:11:40+00:00December 13, 2016|Hazardous Waste|Comments Off on Management of Hazardous Waste: 7 Steps | Ecology

Impact of Soil Pollutants on Soil Biota, Vegetation and Tropics

After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Impact of Soil Pollutants on Soil Biota/Microbes 2. Impacts of Soil Pollutants on Vegetation 3. Problem in Tropics. Impact of Soil Pollutants on Soil Biota/Microbes: Soil pollutants like metals, pesticides, organic sub­stances showed detrimental impacts on soil fauna, flora and other microbes. This is common event in contaminated soil. Soil microbes [...]

By |2016-12-13T19:11:39+00:00December 13, 2016|Pollutants|Comments Off on Impact of Soil Pollutants on Soil Biota, Vegetation and Tropics
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